I was visiting this salon twice in one week. First time I came there to do my haircut, while they was washing my hair one of their nail masters was waking around and all the dust from box after pedicure went on me and on all my face! Okay the apologize I paid full amount plus almost 50% of amount I give as tips to hairdresser cause he did good job and left. Same evening owner of the salon called me and told me as apology I can come any day and choose ANY HAIR TREATMENT for the situation what happened before. I came after a week. They was calling me wrong name in WhatsApp and also when I came to salon by myself they couldn’t find appointment. Anyway they take me and hairdresser told me there is only ONE treatment that I can do for my hair. I told him I dono this brand and I don’t trust this brand and if they have other options because on the website they have a lot. He told me the opposite is only Schwarzkopf which wasn’t an option for me at all. Okay I agreed to do with the first option. And I asked him what is this treatment he said is just a MASK for the hair. I was surprised because mask is not really a treatment. But OK. He put the mask and bring heating cap. Put it on me and left to do hair for another customer. I was afraid that treatment is including keratin or something similar so I asked him to remove the heater and wash this from my hair. After this he started to make drama and instead of giving me OTHER options was stubborn and only making me more and more angry. He left me with his assistance to wash my hair and came back to another girl to do her hair!!! His assistant by the way is not professional and whatever they put on my hair I asked them to wash them twice because product was still there. And instead of drying my hair in nice way his assistant did it HORRIBLE! I asked him to use brushing and he couldn’t do even this. I got stressed because after this salon I supposed to go somewhere else and they couldn’t even wash and dry hair in a nice way!!! And hairdresser was still coming and trying to prove me something about products which he was still pushing me to use! By the way I checked in internet mask what he was putting on my hair cost very cheap first and second to use mask In correct way it’s only for 5 minutes and without any hitting!!!
In the end when I was running away from this nightmare on reception they told me they WONT CHARGE ME for this. I said really?? It was COMPLIMENT FROM THE BEGINNING FROM U!!!
Instead of relaxing and nice treatment I got 2h of stress and disrespectful behavior from them.