Blank promotes racism! That's exactly what I got to know when I bought their ticket online, dressed up classic (well & clean), and with a French colleague of mine decided to attend one of their show parties. when I arrived at the door, first question asked by the body guard, where are you from. .. when I replied back, I am from this country, and I am a Russian citizen, while my colleague is from France. The body guard directly said: No, you can't come in. But your friend from France is allowed. then, he asked: Are you a Muslim?
Why such private questions about faith. Is there a problem with Muslims by Blank Owners? This is an obvious act of hatred. Are Blank staff White Supremacists? I understand that clubs or private organizations have all the rights and freedom to accept or refuse people from entering. But you can't based that criteria on Religion and Nationality. Do Blank owners think they still live in Germany in 1940?
Мы обожаем ходить в Евразию всей семьей! Здесь всегда вкусно готовят, очень разнообразное меню. Персонал работает быстро и качественно. Очень нравится тот факт, что по городу много точек, и можно зайти и вкусно поесть в любом месте. Кстати, в Евразии классные плюшки для клиентов!