Ставлю одну звезду. Абсолютно недобросовестная организация. Чистят негативные отзывы. Ниже скриншот комментария. Просто позорище! Изначально жена поста вила две звезды, но вы и одной не заслужили. Никому не порекомендуем вас. Кстати, если вы и тут подчистите, мы оставим и на других платформах.
Came here on the afternoon of 30th of November. Place has potential but pretty disappointing at the end. Why?
It's very expensive, more expensive than a Roaster coffee in Lenina.
Stayed 2 hours and during this time no one cleaned up the tables where many used mugs were staying from previous customers nor cleaned the trashbin station which was full of used mugs. Useless to say that it was the same for the floor and the toilets.
Absolutely disappointing.