Очень маленькая и закрытая тюрьма для тропических животных. Животные – не игрушки для вас или ваших детей, они живые существа и имеют право видеть солнечный свет и дышать свежим воздухом, как и мы. Это место без окон, построенное внутри многоквартирного дома в центре города, спросите еще раз свою совесть, платя за вход. Кто-то выложил видео с угрем, видно, что аквариум уже размером с рыбу, животное умирает. На снятом ими видео видно, как лемуры прыгают друг на друга в крошечной стеклянной клетке. ужасный.
A very small and closed prison for tropical animals. Animals are not yours or your children's toys, they are living beings and have the right to see sunlight and breathe fresh air just like us. This is a windowless place built inside an apartment in the middle of the city, ask your conscience again when you pay for the entrance fee. Someone has put up a video of an eel, you can see that the aquarium is already the size of the fish, the animal is dying. In the video they shot, you can see lemurs jumping next to each other in a tiny glass cage. It's scary.
many many thanks to liza for this beautiful nails. im advicing her as a nail master. also place was so clean, stuff was kind and located on center🙏🏻 Большое спасибо Лиза и привет из Турции🧿
Elena does a great job🧿 I had my eyelashes done right before I came to Krasnodar from Istanbul and although I was very careful, they fell out immediately. I found Elena on maps and fell in love with the anime eyelashes she made, and the location was also very convenient. She made an appointment for me as soon as possible and made me an eyelash that would not cause any problems while I was on vacation here. Even though weeks have passed and unfortunately I cried a few times, they are still perfect as the first day. I don't understand why there are so few comments, so I wanted to write also have to add that the place I lay down during the procedure was the most comfortable place I've ever laid down😂 большое спасибо♥️♥️♥️
we had a dress w broken zipper and a pair of trousers that need to be shortened so luckily we found this place. owner and stuff soo kind and price is so reasonable🙏🏻 i would like to add i adored the decoration inside out of this place♥️ whenever we need tailoring this place will be the only one place for us to visit. wishing them enjoyable work🧿