Во-первых, они не дали нам чашку, чтобы налить воды для 2-летнего ребенка, который ел сухое тесто. К счастью, у меня было с собой две чашки из предыдущей кофейни.
Потом я нашел волос в выпечке. Никогда не возвращаюсь в это место.
First, they didn’t give us a cup to pour water for a 2 year old that was eating dry pastry. Luckily I had two cups with me from the previous coffee shop.
Then I found a hair in their pastry. Never going back to that place.
Хороший свет
Июнь 2024 •
Great and fast service. Polished the headlights and applied protective film. Also, one of the guys speaks English, in case someone needs it :)
Статус Сервис
Май 2024 •
Clean quiet and professional service center. The technician also speaks english in case someone needs that. He was extremely helpful and fixed the wheel alignment on my car very quickly.
Апрель 2024 •
I ordered few parts for my car from their website, great website that gives you original options and suggests cheaper alternatives. Delivery and pickup was fast and all the parts are in working order. Great service.
Март 2024 •
I went to many service centers before I found this one. As a foreigner in a country that almost nobody speaks english, it wasn’t easy to find good and honest people that will service my car. So far I serviced my car twice here and everything is running great and the team is extremely helpful and professional. If you need help with french cars, this is definitely the best place to visit.
Ленинградский экспресс
Март 2024 •
Extremely nice atmosphere and design. Few things we tried from the food menu, pasta and some salad, also very tasty and fresh.
To my disappointment, a simple espresso wasn’t nearly as good as I expected. Almost not drinkable.
Also, one big minus is the fact that the staff don’t speak any foreign language.
It’s not an excuse to blame it all on the current situation, because there are still tourists coming to Spb from many countries.
Март 2024 •
Я поехал в сервисный центр, чтобы отремонтировать свой ТНВД, и мне назвали цену в 150 000 рублей. Но они также дали мне более дешевые альтернативы (китайские запчасти), а также вариант ремонта. Но цены все еще были слишком высокими, поэтому я решил не возвращаться в сервисное обслуживание, но, по крайней мере, они проделали достойную работу, визуально осматривая мой автомобиль, и сказали мне о нескольких других будущих ремонтах, которые мне нужно рассмотреть. Я даю им 3 звезды за усилия, но им нужно предлогать более разумные цены, если они хотят новых клиентов.
Сервисный центр Recom
Март 2024 •
I was in this repair center twice and both times the service was great! The team is very helpful and they listen to the problem in details and always give the best solution. Also, I don’t speak Russian very well, and being a foreigner in Spb, it’s not easy to find good and honest service center that will fix your gadgets. Everyone else is trying to increase their prices as soon as they hear someone speaking English.
Январь 2024 •
very professional and friendly staff. fixed my remote within 45 minutes and explained me everything how it works.