Crowded changing rooms, not enough seats, queues everywhere. Couldn't drive there, we were turned away by guards in the park. Quality of ice is ok, average size, plenty of zones to rest and sit down. Music was a bit loud, from the Soviet era, though upbeat and stimulating. Once we were pushed in the back by a reckless skater as I was teaching my 5 year old daughter to skate, we both ended up falling, luckily no one was hurt. Had a wonderful walk in the park afterwards.
To sum up, I would go there if it was free, totally not worth the fee
Бывает, что воды нет. Иногда вода застаивается в некоторых местах. В целом, маленьким детям то, что нужно в жаркий день. WiFi ловит на полную, и рядом есть где поесть/попить. Красивый вид на речку с лодочками. Удобная локация (между ботаническим, Останкино и ВДНХ). Всегда берем сменную одежду, тк все мокрые и в песке). Туалет недалеко, приличный
My daughter had a very good first lesson in pony riding. On the flip side, it was super muddy (stables in April) and there were many other rides on horses on the same field. Prepare to pay in cash